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Page History: Bulk Security Update

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Page Revision: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 11:39

General Description

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> System Manager >> Bulk Security Update

Screen Name: BULKSEC

Function: This screen is used to modify the security and permissions for a user, or multiple users at a time.


Using the Bulk Security Update

STEP 1: Select the User/Users which will be updated.


STEP 2: From the 'Process Group' dropdown, select the Process Group of securities you wish to update (Address Book, Accounts Rec, Accounts Pay, etc).


STEP 3: Select which securities the selected users will have from the list of 'tokens'. Tokens are essentially screens or modules. For each token, a user can have the permission to View/Edit/Add/Del/Deny. These are not all inclusive (in other words, a user may be able to VIEW something, but not necessarily have permission to EDIT it).


STEP 4: Once you have selected the permissions for the user/users, click the UPDATE button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

NOTE: The screen must be updated on EACH Process Group. For Example: After finishing the securities for the 'Address Book' Process Group, user must hit the update button before moving to another process group, in order for changes to save.


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