XLS Update Tool

Modified on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:46 by Curtis Riddle — Categorized as: Import- Export Manager, System Manager

Two cases

Case 1 - You have the values for all the filters.

In this case,

TableName = Table to Update

KeyName 1-4 = Names of the Fields to Filter On

KeyValue 1-4 = Filter Values

IsKey = y

KeyType = (Blank)

If the table has a CID, you can enter the CID code, and set UseCID = 'y' as another filter

FieldName 1-4 = Fields to Update

FieldValue 1-4 = Data to Update With

Case 2 - You have Item or Custno

TableName = Table to Update

KeyName1 = The custID or ItemID field in the Table to Update (entid/vendid/custid or ikey in almost all cases)

KeyValue1 = The Custno/Vendno or Item Code

Keyname2-4 = Other Filters

Keyname2-4 = Filter Values

IsKey = 'n'

Keytype = CUSTNO or ITEM depending on which one you have

UseCID is not used, but CID must be filled in

FieldName 1-4 = Fields to Update

FieldValue 1-4 = Data to Update With

Check for max record update will run as a select query first, counting the rows updated for each record in the XLS file. If any will update more than the entered value, a message will be displayed, and the update will not occur for that row. The process can be continued at this point, or the rest of the updates can be canceled