Production Work Order - Linked Tasks

Modified on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:56 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Production

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Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master

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General Description

The Linked Tasks tab displays any tasks that are required to complete the PWO.

These tasks are generated based upon Routes that are attached to a line item's Bill of Material.

There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen.

Links to the other seven tabs may be found here:


Task ID: The Task / Service Order number.

Task: The name of the task.

Sch Start/Finish: The scheduled start and finish dates of the task. These fields are automatically populated based upon the first and last assignments.

Due Date: The due date and time of the task.

Sch Hrs: The task's total scheduled hours. This field is automatically populated based upon all of the tasks' assignments.

Act. Start/Finish: The actual start and finish date of the task. These fields are automatically populated based upon the first time sheet entry and the task's completion date.

Act. Hrs.: The actual number of hours spent on the task. This field is automatically populated based on all time sheet entries.

Resource: The resource(s) assigned to the task.

% Complete: The current percentage complete. This field is automatically populated based on the % Complete field on the Time and Material Entry screen.

Dept: The Department the PWO falls under. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Due Date: The due date of the PWO. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. The Load Date from the SO Header is also used as the Due Date.

Phase: The phase of the project the task is linked to.

Hold: An asterisk will appear here if the task is on hold.

Disp. Date: The date the task was dispatched.

Type: The department code the task falls under.