Quick Project Expense Entry

Modified on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 10:17 by tsanchez — Categorized as: Project Management

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Time and Materials >> Quick Project Expense Entry

Screen Name: TSEXPENSE

Function: Creates tasks and expense (material) entries for multiple projects at once.


Project: The Project ID or Name you want to enter an expense for.

Phase: The Phase related to the selected project. This will default to the Expenses phase if there is one; otherwise it will be the first phase in the list.

Item: The Item Code or Description of the expense item. Enter the Qty, Cost, and Price after selecting the correct item.

Lock Price: Check this box to disable repricing of the item when the task is created (some cost-plus items are always repriced, just ignore this if you don't use cost-plus pricing in your contracts).

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