Report - Missing Default Contracts

Modified on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 14:25 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Contract Management

General Information

Default Menu LocationReports >> Contract Management >> Missing/Default Contracts


Missing Default Contracts Screen

Missing Default Contracts Screen

Function Missing Default Contracts screen allows you to see the status of service order contracts


Client ID: Client ID for the report

Client Name: Client company name for the report

Start Date: Starting date for the report

End Date: Ending date for the report

Department: Specific department for the report

Standard Report Fields (Header 1)

Customer: The customer company name and customer number

Report (Header 2)

Department: The Department for the report

Standard Report Fields (Line Items)

Sales Order: Sales Order number

Description: Description of a task(s)

Date: Date added

User: User added

Reason: Reason added