Recurring Sales Orders

Modified on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 13:18 by J Denniston — Categorized as: Order Entry

The Recurring Order window will appear when you click the Recurring icon for a Template type order.

Click Edit and enter the frequency of the recurring order in the Frequency field.

D = Days

M = Months

Y = Years

For example, to set up an order that recurs every 1 month, enter 1m.

15d = One order every 15 days.

3m = One order every 3 months.

2y = One order every 2 years.

Enter the number of times you want the order to be created in the Max Gens field.

For example, a Frequency of "1m" and a Max Gens of "5" would mean that one order would be created for each of the next five months.

Auto-Ship: Check this box to automatically ship the sales order when it is generated.

Next Generation: Enter the date of the next time you want the order to be created.

Click Save when finished.

To create your recurring orders, open the Generate Recurring Orders screen.

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