Production Work Order Emails (Auto Process)

Modified on Fri, 03 Jun 2016 09:42 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Production

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Production >> Print Production Work Orders


You will also have to set up some Contact attributes.

Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> Contact Attributes

General Description

The Auto-Process check box on the Print Production Work Orders screen does two things:

1. If the correct attributes have been set up and applied to at least one person, the production work orders will be automatically emailed.

2. If one or more of the production work orders cannot be emailed, it will be printed directly to your default printer.

Current Email Capabilities

Production Work Orders are automatically emailed based upon two factors:

If the Production Work Order is part of a Project, then the emailed PWOs will automatically be stored as a note in the Project.

The same Department-Plant PWO can be automatically emailed to multiple people.

Explanation of Contact Attributes

Click here for a screenshot.

There are three parts to the attribute name, separated by dashes: EMAILPWO-XX-YYYYYYYYYY

The Group, Form Name, TreeView, and Description don't matter...they just affect how the attribute is displayed in the Contact screen.