Change Order

Modified on Tue, 21 Jul 2015 11:44 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Order Entry, Project Management

Default Menu Location

Accessible from the Reports tab of the Project Control screen.

Click here for a screenshot

General Description

The Changeorder screen shows all change orders associated with a specific project. The selected changed order can be viewed or printed.

How to Create A Change Order

A change order is created by selecting creating a sales order and selecting an order type specified for changeorders.

Enter a line item. While in edit mode, click on the notes button. Type in a detailed description, this will show on your change order report.

Standard Report Fields (Page Header)


Job Number


CO Number

Order Date

Customer Name




Job Name

Standard Report Fields (Detail)

Standard Report Fields (Summary)

Original material Price

Contract Amount from Project unless SBS, then

extstot of line items that are not NOCOMMISSION unless they are INVROLLUP also.

Previous Change Orders

This Change Order



Revisded Contract Total

Additional Report Fields for Customization