Non Check Payments

Modified on Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:23 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Accounts Payable

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Non Check Payments


Function: The non-check payment screen allows you to mark AP Invoices as paid without issuing a check.

Non-Check Payment Screen

Non-Check Payment Screen

The AP Invoice must have a Payment Priority of N, E, or C in order to allow you to pay it from this screen.

Payment Priority of N - Click for full size

Payment Priority of N - Click for full size

This screen is similar in functionality to the Approve AP Invoices for Payment screen.

Since there is no check number, a reference number for the check may be entered in the Payment Ref# field.

Enter the Payment Reference number, then click the Refresh button. Select the invoices that you are marking as paid and then click the Pay button.