Accrued Revenue by Project Report

Modified on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 12:02 by tsanchez — Categorized as: Custom Report, Metal Construction Industry, Project Management

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Project >> Accrued Revenue by Project

Click here for a screenshot.

General Description

The Accrued Revenue by Project report is a custom report written for a customer in the Metal Building Industry.

The special/custom requirements are listed below:

Report Filters

Production Start/End Date: This is the Production Date on the Project Control screen.

Proj Type: The Project Type. Not selecting any types will ignore the filter.

Proj Status: The Project Status. Leave this field blank to view all project statuses in the given date range.

Standard Report Fields

Project#: The Project ID.

Customer: The default customer on the Project.

Proj Type: The Project Type.

Proj Status: The Project Status.

Accrual Amt: The amount accrued on the Project .

Sales Amt: The extended sales total of Sales Order line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR on Sales Order Types B, R, or S.

KIPS: The total KIPS (1000 lbs) of Sales Order line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR on Sales Order Types B, R, or S.

Linked Inv#: An invoice number that is linked to the Project.

Date: The date of the invoice.

Net InvAmt: The extended sales total of Invoice line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR.

Additional Report Fields for Customization

frtamt : The extended sales total of Sales Order freight lines.

whsename : The name of the Project Warehouse.