Task Management Setup Options

Modified on Wed, 10 Aug 2016 08:46 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Setup Options, Task Management

Setup Options & Definitions

ALLOWOVERLAP - Disables the schedule conflict message received when assigning/scheduling a task that will overlap with an existing scheduled task.


ALTPROBCODE - Allows the user to edit the description of the Standard Task used in the Task Entry Screen.

CHTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task.

COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding.

EDITPROJNOTE - If enabled, then the project note can be edited from the grid. The project is updated on lost focus on the note field in the grid.

HIDECOMP - Hide Completed option on Schedule screen also hides the completed tasks for today.

MILTIME - Uses Military Time throughout the system.


NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID.

QSUPHIDE1 - If enabled, hide contact, contract and status fields from Quick Task screen.

QSUPNOTASKPFIX - Option to exclude Standard Task code from Task title when created from Quick Support screen.

QTNOSHOWCOMP - Option to suppress task complete popup. Don't blank out date after save. Refresh Daily View Screen if active.

QTREQPROJ - Option to Make Project Required. Quick Time Entry already has option (QTREQPROJ). Added to Quick Support II

QTYONTASK - If enbabled, then display quantity fields on Task Entry screen. Otherwise, hide quantity fields and remove from tab order.

REQCOMPSVRORD - Require completed Service Order to Bill.

REQCONTRACT - Require Contract on Task Entry.

REQDEPT - Require Department for Task Entry.

REQPROBCODE - Require Standard Task on Task Entry.

REQRESOURCE - When enabled, requires a resource to be specfied in Task Assignment area before the Task can be saved.

REQWORKCAT - Require Work Category on Task.

RTGRIDMATERIAL - Adds a 'Has Material' checkbox to the Task Grid which displays a check if material has been added to the service order.

RTGRIDPOLIST - If set, populate new POLIST column with linked PO Numbers on Task Grid.

RTGRIDTOTAL - Adds Labor Time, Equipment Time, and Total Time (Lab+Equip) columns to the Task Grid.

RTGRIDTOTALDUR - Add TotalDur Column to Task Grid. Sum of all durations for a given task. Filled Out if RTGRIDTOTALDUR is enabled (CID option).


SCHEDMONTHLY - Opens schedule screen in monthly view.

SCHEDMULTI - Opens schedule screen in multi-stack view.

SCHEDPROFESSION - Show vcontact.profession underneath Resource Name on Schedule screen. If set, append profession from contact screen to end of current resource name, hours string.

SCHEDPROJID - Displays ProjID as first characters on task bar (instead of shortcust). Option to set bartext to projjid instead of shortcust.

SCHEDSHOWSHIP - Option to show ShipTo Company Name in time bars instead of SoldTo names.


SCHEDWEEKLY - Opens schedule screen in weekly view.

SCHNOW - Schedule Task at Current Time.

SCHSHOWDT - Shows estimated drive time on Schedule screen.


SHOWWARNING - Automatically displays any warning notes attached to the organization when entering SO/PO/TASK/etc.

SOLDTOZONE - When enabled, Zone is pulled from the SoldTo (District) record rather than the ShipTo (Location) in the Task Entry screen, Reinspection screen, tapping screen, and the Work Order Generator.

TASKBLANKPO - Clears out Customer PO field on original task when using the Recurring Task Generator.


TASKCHECKCOMP - If there is no time entry(labor,material,equip), give warning to user.

TASKDEFWORKING - Prints the Working Form of a Task by default.

TASKDUEAT5 - If set, duedate will be set to 5pm for route generated tasks.

TASKHIDEECRB - If set, then hide the ECR button.

TASKIGNOREZONE - Ignores the Zone Resource attribute restriction (this requires the resource to have the same zone as the task).

TASKLOCKTASK - If set then task field is locked during edit. When enabled, do not allow editing of the Task field after task has been saved.

TASKMATCHSHIP - If set, and one of the allowed billto's matches the shipto, then use that billto

TASKNEWSEQ - Uses the TASK counter in CID Maintenance instead of the SONO counter.

TASKNEWWO - Option to disable Select WO combo box and button (Always create a new one) CID option is TASKNEWWO

TASKNODEPTLINK - Any Department can perform any Standard Task; there is no required link between the two.

TASKOLDMA - Option to make task screen work in old simple mode (3 fields for manual address, no special shipto needed).

TASKPLOCK - Enables the Lock checkbox on the Material tab of the Task Entry screen. The Lock checkbox is used to bypass the pricing program in Adjutant.

TASKPRICE - Enables the Price field on the Material tab of the Task Entry screen. Users can edit this field when this setup option is selected.

TASKQUESTBIG - User Defined Questions on tasks are popped up in new window when task is entered.

TASKREQZONE - Requires the Zone field to be filled out before saving task.

TASKSKIPCPO - Disables the Customer PO# field on the Task Entry Screen.

TASKSKIPDAYS - When creating a new assignment for a task, the day after the last assignment is used as the default schedule date.

TASKTASKCR - If set and the standard task is changed during edit, generate a new CR event.



TSFORCESPELL - Forces a spell checks on time entries.

TSLOCK - If enabled, and REQCOMPSVRORD (Complete Required before billing) is enabled, once task is billed, it cannot be unlocked.

UPDATEDUE - Ask to Update Due Date on Task.

VERBROSE - Turns on the Verbose Checker on Time entry.

VTIMECLOCK - Virtual Timeclock on Schedule if Resource name is double