Sales Order Q&A

Modified on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 14:12 by Ryan Horne — Categorized as: Questions and Answers

SO Header Questions

Q: What are "Global ShipTos" and what are they used for?
Q: What is the "Rev#"?
Q: What do the different "Types" of SOs mean?
Q: What do the check boxes "Template" and "No Processing" do?
Q: Is "Mileage" how far the seller has to go to get the item to the customer?
Q: What is "FOB" for?
Q: What is "CustPO#" used for?
Q: What does "Confirm to" mean?
Q: What is the "Order #" for?
Q: What is the "Contract #" for?
Q: What is the "Remarks" field for?
Q: What are the "Certs" and "MTRS" check boxes for?
Q: What is the "Contact" field for?
Q: What is the "Project" field used for?
Q: Is "COD Amt" for how much a customer will be paying at time of delivery? Can this be a portion of the total cost?
Q: What is the purpose of opening or closing an SO?
Q: What is a "POS Cash Receipt" for?
Q: What is a "BOL" used for?

SO Line Item Questions

Q: What is "L#"? Why does a KeynoD=##### scren pop up when you clikc on L#?
Q: What is DropShip?
Q: What is the "Use" field for?
Q: What is the difference between "Sell Unit Cost", "List Price" and "Sell Price"?
Q: What is "Est. Date"?
Q: What is a "GM%"?
Q: What does click on the "SSA" button do?
Q: What is the clickable option "Custom BOM" for?