Shipping Event Picking - New Picks

Modified on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 09:39 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Warehouse Management System

General Description

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Warehouse Management System >> Shipping Event Picking

Screen Name SHSTAGE

Function Whether your warehouse handles freight or inventory, the last step in the warehouse management process is to generate a shipping event and ship the cartons to their destination. The Shipping Event Release window is the primary screen used for final picking of cartons for shipment. After a Shipping Event ("SE") is entered in the blank, the grid to the right displays all the cartons included in that SE. You can select each carton individually for release, shipping or packing, or use the Select All and Select None buttons.

Shipping Event Release - New Picks


Shipping Event: Enter the shipping event to view in this blank and press Enter
Est. Date: The estimated date for shipment of the SE

Dest Code: Your company's internal code for the SE's destination

RF Terminal: The RF Terminal or queue to which Adjutant will send the picklist for this Shipping Event

Release for Shipping: Release the Shipping Event to the chosen RF Terminal for shipping
Release for Inspection: Release the Shipping Event for inspection of the cartons (before packing or shipping)
Submit for Packing: Release the Shipping Event to the chosen RF Terminal for packing into new cartons (before shipping)