Sales Margin Report

Modified on Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:47 by J Denniston — Categorized as: Reporting and Report Sets, Sales Force

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Sales Force >> Sales Margin Report


General Description

Sales Margin Report screen allows users to generate detail sales report either by period or by date range. When generating a report, users can either generate a report for a specific customer by entering a customer code or leaving a blank in the "Customer Number" field to generate a general report for all the customers.


By Period or By Date Range: Options to choose a report type

Month: Month for the report (Require only if the "By Period" is selected)

Year: Year for the report (Require only if the "By Period" is selected)

Beginning Date: Beginning date for the report (Require only if the "By Date Range" is selected)

Ending Date: Ending date for the report (Require only if the "By Date Range" is selected)

Customer Number: Customer code

Item Number: Item code

Sort By: Options for report generation

Exclude Outbound Freight: Excludes items with the FREIGHTOUT item attribute.

Exclude Inbound Freight: Excludes items with the FREIGHTIN item attribute.

Standard Report Fields(Headers)


Date Range


Item Number


Standard Report Fields(Line Items Detail)

Order Number

Customer Name

Customer No.

Invoice No.

Invoice Date

Sales Price

Standard Cost


Group Footer

Total for customer

Sales Price

Standard Sales




Q: Why is an AR invoice not displaying on this report?

A: This report only includes AR invoices where the underlying sales order is closed.