Shipping Event Types

Modified on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 07:40 by Ryan Horne — Categorized as: Logistics, Rule Maintenance

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance

Function The Shipping Event Types rule drives the "Type" dropdown options on the Shipping Event screen.


Rule Setup – Text Fields

Description: Enter the text to populate in the Type dropdown on the Shipping Event screen.

Code: Enter a unique two digit code. This code is used in the backend of Adjutant, so the two digits do not matter as long as there are no duplicates.

IP Ship Via: Enter the default Ship Via to be used during the automatic Interplant Shipping Event creation from setup option AMSADDIPSE. This is only needed for Interplant Shipping Events.

Rule Setup – Number Fields

No Number Fields In Use

Rule Setup – Logic Fields

Default: Check this box for the Shipping Event Type that should be selected by default when creating new Shipping Events.

Interplant (IP): Check this box to indicate that the selected Shipping Event Type is an "Interplant" type. Interplant Shipping Events will ask users to select a warehouse other than the warehouse selected on the Header when the Save button is clicked.

Delivery Route: Not in use.

Default IP SE: Check this box to set the default Interplant Shipping Event type to be used when Shipping Events are automatically created from the AMSADDIPSE setup option.
