Project Attributes

Modified on Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:37 by Ryan Horne — Categorized as: Project Management, Rule Maintenance

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance

Function The Project Attributes (ATT_MSN) rule controls the available Project Attributes for the Project Master screen.


Rule Setup – Text Fields

Attribute: Attribute name.

Group: The group attributes belong in; this will separate the attributes when looking at them in the Edit Attributes window.

Form Name: Form name associated with attributes. Attributes with a form name will display another screen when selected.

Special Notes

PROJECTFEE: This attribute will disallow being able to move forward with Task Creation after clicking the "New Task" button unless a permit number has been entered. The entered permit number will be stored in the Auth. Number field on the Details tab of the task.
