Quick New Customer Add

Modified on Tue, 05 Jul 2016 13:08 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Order Entry

General Information

The quick add new customer screen allows you to quickly add a new customer when doing order entry.





ID - Customer ID number. Can be assigned system generated if blank or assigned manually if inputted manually.

Name - Name of customer.

Address - Address of customer

Apt/suite - Apt/Suite

City - City

State - State

Zip - Zip

Address3 - Address3

Country - Country

Area - Area

Phone - Phone

Fax - Fax

Default Whse - Default warehouse

Price Code - Price code

Email - Email address for the company

Contact - The contact for this customer

Phone - The phone number for the customer

Title - Contact's title

Acct Manager - Account Manager for this customer

Sales Person - Sales person for this customer

Tax Table - The tax district that should be taken in when calculating tax rate for.

Tax Rate - Tax Rate for the customer

Tax Exempt # - If the customer is tax exempt, the tax exempt number goes here.