Production Q&A

Modified on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:49 by Ryan Horne — Categorized as: Questions and Answers

Production Work Order Questions

Q: What is the blue tag icon on the option bar on the right of the screen?
Q: What are UDF, RES for in the Yields tab?
Q: What does clicking Auto-Assign do?
Q: What does Show Alternates do?
Q: What does the "Yields" drop down box do?
Q: What does clicking Show do?
Q: What does Allocate do?
Q: What does Allocate to Ser/Lot do?
Q: What does clicking Allocate Only do?
Q: What does the UnAssign button do?

Production Scheduling Questions

Q: Does this screen show all of the upcoming items that will be produced according to when they were scheduled?
Q: What are the options Can Make and Customer/Stock for?
Q: What are Save and Load Opts for?
Q: What is CS1?

Profile Production Scheduling Questions

Q: How is this screen different from Production Scheduling?

AMS Resubmit Tool Questions

Q: What does this screen do?

Trim Genius Questions

Q: What does this screen do?