Print Sales Order

Modified on Fri, 29 May 2009 11:25 by kyimin — Categorized as: Order Entry

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Order Entry >> Print Sales Order

Click here for screenshot

General Description

Print Sales Order screen has the ability to generate one or more sales orders and the packing lists. To print a sales order, enter the SO number. To print more than one SO, enter the beginning SO number and the ending SO number with colon in between the two numbers.


Sales Order Numbers: To generate reports for these Sales Order(s)

Sales Order: Check this button for Sales Orders only

Packing list: Check this button for Packing List only

Both: Check this button to print both the Sales Orders and Packing List

Standard Report Fields(Page Header)


Order Date

Form Type and Sales Order number

Shipping Event

Bill To

Ship To

Page Header continued


Ship Via



Purchase Order Number


Reference No.

Standard Report Fields(Line Items)

Qty. Ordered

Qty. Shipped

Back Ordered

Item Number

Item Description


Req Date




Extended Price

Standard Report Fields(Page Footer)

Shipping Sub-Total

Packing Sub-Total

Non Taxable Sub-Total

Taxable Sub-Total

Tax Amount

Less Discount

Total Ordered

Additional Report Fields for Customization