Mimic/Copy User Security

Modified on Tue, 18 Dec 2012 12:11 by hmontgomery — Categorized as: Security, System Manager

General Description

Default Menu Location: Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact >> User in Adjutant

Screen Name: USERS

Function: The function of Mimic/Copy allows you to copy one user's security rights to another user.

How To Mimic/Copy User Security

STEP 1: Open the Contact/User whose security you will be updating, and then click the 'User in Adjutant' attribute.


STEP 2: In this screen, click the 'User Security-NEW' tab, and click the edit button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.


STEP 3: Type in the user whose security you wish to copy and click the Copy button (if the user is from another CID, pick that CID from the drop down box).
