Material Receipt Picking - Active Picks

Modified on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 09:52 by kyimin — Categorized as: Warehouse Management System

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Transaction ==> Warehouse Management System ==> Material Receipt Picking

Material Receipt Picking - Active Picks

General Description

After a Material Receipt has been released for picking and shipping, you can view it on the Active Picks tab. This screen lists the status of all active picks and allows the user to transfer a picklist from one RF terminal in the warehouse to another.


Terminal: The RF terminal in the warehouse for which to find an assigned Material Receipt

Find MRID: The Material Receipt ID Number, printed on the paper MR and used in the Freight In/Out Processing system

ReAssign To: To reassign the freight to another RF terminal in the warehouse for picking, select the cartons to reassign or use the Select All and Select None buttons, then choose the appropriate RF terminal from the drop-down window and click ReAssign To.