Item Master Q&A

Modified on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 11:51 by Ryan Horne — Categorized as: Questions and Answers

Settings Tab Questions

Q: What is the "Cubes" box for?
Q: What is the "EDI" box for?
Q: What is a "Pack Code"?
Q: What does Lot Controlled mean?
Q: What does checking the "Consumable" box do?
Q: What does the "Costing" drop down field do and how do you edit it?
Q: Are all of the costs (base, direct, indirect, freight in, freight out, avg cost, and std cost) provided for us by the company using Adjutant?
Q: Are all of the different groups (price group, commodity, prod grp, item cat, and class) used for reporting?

OHF Tab Questions

Q: What is "CC" for?
Q: What are bins?
Q: What is a "PWO Bin"
Q: What is "Lead Time"?
Q: What is "ScrapAt"?