Expedite Orders

Modified on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 09:35 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Procurement

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Procurement >> Expedite Orders

Screen Name: EXPEDIT

Function: Expediting Orders screen shows you a list of orders that needs to be accelerated in processing time.

Expediting Order

Expediting Order

Filters and Fields

Missing Acknowledgement: This will filter order selection to show only orders which have not been acknowledged.

PO Acknowledged Flag

PO Acknowledged Flag

Within __ Days of Date: This will filter order selection to show only orders within a specified number of days.

Past Due This will filter order selection to show only past due orders.


The date fields determine where the Within and Past Due filters start counting from

Req. Header: Required date on the PO header

Est. Del. Header: Estimated Delivery date on the PO header

Req. Line Item: Required date on the individual PO line item, if different from the header

Est. Del. Line Item: Estimated Delivery date on the individual PO line item, if different from the header

Send Reminders

Each filter has a corresponding email template that system uses to alert vendors of the PO in question. On the Email Templates screen.