Contacts - Task Alerts

Modified on Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:13 by hmontgomery — Categorized as: Address Book, Auto Alert

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact >> Task Alerts

Screen Name CONTACT


How to set up task alerts for a contact

For this screen, the easiest way to set up task alerts is to use this formula:


X = Event Y = Role Z = Method

When a task is X, and this contact is the Y, alert them via Z.

STEP 1: Select the row you would like to add a new alert for (contract mgr, creator, etc) and click the new button:


STEP 2: Select the Event for this alert(creation, due date change, etc):


STEP 3: Select the Method of alert (email, text, etc):


STEP 4: Select the Task Template for this alert:


STEP 5: Select the Time Offset for this alert (s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days)and save upon completion:
