
Modified on Thu, 07 Jan 2016 08:52 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Address Book

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General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact

Screen Name CONTACT

Contacts- Main Screen

Contacts- Main Screen

Function Contact screen is used to view, edit, and add new users/contacts.

Click here to see Contact Icon


Full Name: Full name of the contact person

Job Title: Contact’s official job title

Company: Company where the contact person works (Companies may be added/edited/deleted in the Organization Screen)

Address: Addresses for the selected contact person
Phone numbers: There are four available fields for phone numbers of the selected contact person

Email: Email address of the selected contact person
TxtMsg Add: The text message address of the selected contact
Web Page: The web page URL of the contact’s organization
Attributes: Attributes that have been assigned to the contact are visible in lower right-hand box. For details on editing see: Contact Attributes - Alerts & Editing

All Fields

Contacts- All Fields Screen

Contacts- All Fields Screen


Contacts- Detail Screen

Contacts- Detail Screen

Details tab contains additional information about the selected person.


Department: The department in which the person works

Office: At which office, if there are branch offices, is the person located?

Profession: Occupations

College: School the person attended

Birthday: Person’s date of birth

Anniversary: Person’s date of marriage

Nick Name: Nick name for the contact

Spouse’s Name: Person’s spouse

Reference ID: A reference ID that can be used for integration into another software package

AcctSPCode: A reference ID that can be used for integration into an accounting software package

Manager’s Name: The name of the person’s immediate supervisor

Assistant’s Name: Coworker that normally answers the phone when the person is not available

Assistant Phone: Phone number to the assistant

Special Interest: Special interest for the person

Things to avoid: Things not to avoid with the person

Hobbies: Things the person enjoy doing

GL Group: The General Ledger group


Contacts- Find Screen

Contacts- Find Screen

When only a portion of the person's information is known, use the Find tab to zero in on a contact.

Type in any of the known information into the fields: Name, Company, Title or Phone. Then click "Find Now!"

The results grid at the bottom of the screen will be populated with all of the matching information. Then to view any additional information assciated with a contact in the results double-click on the contact, to be directed to the Main tab.

Task Alerts

Contacts- Task Screen

Contacts- Task Screen

Alerts tab is used to notify different alerts to users.


Drop Down Menu options

Event Alerts

Contacts- Event Alerts Screen

Contacts- Event Alerts Screen

Event Alert is used to send email templates based on existing event(s).