Report - Contract Details

Modified on Tue, 09 Aug 2011 09:25 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Contract Management

==General Description

Default Menu Location Reports >> Contract Management >> Contract Details Report


Contract Detail Report Screen

Contract Detail Report Screen

Function Contract Detail Report screen allows you to view contract details information with customer(s) for service agreements.


Client: Customer number for the client

Client Name: Company name for the customer

Standard Report Fields (Headers)

Company: The company name

Header 2

Contract: The contract name

Customer Contact: Customer contact name

Contract Manager: Contract manager name

Start Date: Contract starting date

End Date: Contract ending date

Header 3

Product Pricing:

Header 4


Standard Report Fields (Line Items)

Item: Item names

Description: Item description

Unit: A unit of measure

Rate Code: The rate code for services

FacType/Origin/Stk Status: The factory type, origin, and stock status

MinTime/MaxTime/Increment: Minimum time, Maximum time, time increment

StartQty/EndQty: Start quantity and end quantity

StartValue/EndValue: Starting value and ending value

FactorAmt: The cost for the item