Barcode Scanner - Prompt 74 - Load SO

Modified on Mon, 22 May 2023 10:46 by J Denniston — Categorized as: Wireless Warehouse Management

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General Info

Prompt 74 is used to load sales orders into cartons.

Prompt Walk-Through

1. Scan or enter the Sales Order barcode (if entering from desktop, use the SO Keyno)

2. From here there are 3 options: Enter a pre-existing carton, enter + to create a carton, or enter * to put multiple items of the same L number together.

The next screens will act as if you are creating a new carton. If you are, follow the create carton steps above. If not, press enter on those screens and you will be prompted to load next item.

3. Scan the outer carton (which will be the carton just made if + was entered previously)

4. Scan C/B/P/L for the item being packed. You can also scan the item# if using a scanner version 809 or later. (You can also enter 'B' at this prompt to print a bundle tag showing all the contents loaded into this carton.)

5. If the item being packed is lot controlled, enter the lot# it is being taken from.

6. Enter the qty to pack

7. Repeat steps for all items that need to be packed.