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Page History: Non Stock Not Shipped Report

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Page Revision: Wed, 04 Apr 2018 08:09

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General Information

Default Menu Location Reports >> Item Control

Screen Name invnonstock

Function The purpose of this report is to provide a list of non stock items that have not been shipped. The screen has a second, Results tab which allows for edits to the report lines from a grid view. The screen will default in report mode which generates a detail or summary listing as shown below.

Non Stock Not Shipped Report

Non Stock Not Shipped Report

Non Stock Not Shipped Filters Tab

Non Stock Not Shipped Filters Tab

Non Stock Not Shipped Filters tab

Non Stock Not Shipped Filters tab

With the Show Report option de-selected, the Output button will display the results in a grid view. This Results tab is interactive when run in Detail mode and allows you to select the rows to add the document to the non stock not shipped report kill list rule (which removes the line from the report) and simultaneously make a GL adjustment to credit the non stock GL account and debit the extended cost of each selected line to the account selected.

The Selected column is how you choose the rows to adjust and the Adj Date may be overwritten from the current date to reflect the GL period and year for the GL adjustment. The GL accounts available in the drop-down are managed in the Maintain > General Ledger > GL Accounts screen. The Selected Total in the bottom right of the Results tab will sum the extended cost of the selected rows. The kill list entries and GL adjustments made are unique by row.

Non Stock Not Shipped Results Tab

Non Stock Not Shipped Results Tab

Non Stock Not Shipped Results tab

Non Stock Not Shipped Results tab

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