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Page Revision: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 12:35

General Info

The Bank Reconciliation screen provides an interface to reconcile Adjutant AP and AR transactions to your bank's current balance.

The Bank Rec screen may also be used to enter Manual Cash Adjustments.


The Filters tab of the Bank Rec screen controls what is displayed on the Checks/Deposits/Adjustments tab.

The user may select a Checking Account, Date Range, and Status. Leaving the Date Range blank will return all records for the selected checking account and status.

The Group By Deposit Code/Date option is checked by default. Unchecking this option will display a Cash Receipt record for every invoice, instead of grouping them together by Deposit# or Date (of Deposit# is left blank on the Cash Receipt screen).

Clicking the Refresh button will switch you to the next tab.


The Checks/Deposits/Adjustments tab displays AP Checks, Cash Receipts, and Manual Adjustments.

Checks are highlighted in Yellow. Cash Receipts are highlighted in light blue. Adjustments are highlighted in gray.

The Bank Balance is equal to the current bank balance as previously reconciled in this screen.

The Book Balance is equal to the Bank Balance plus any Outstanding checks, cash receipts, and manual adjustments.

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The Variance is the difference between the two.

The Bank Balance and Variance numbers will update themselves as you check the Clear (Clr) box to mark certain records as having cleared the bank.

Clicking the Update button will save your changes and update the current Bank Balance.

The Clearing Date (ClrDate) column in the grid will be updated when you mark a record as cleared.

Enter Manual Adjustments

The Enter Manual Adjustments tab allows you to enter manual cash adjustments.

The Adjustment# will be displayed in the first column on the Checks/Deposits/Adjustments tab.

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