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Page History: Project Summary

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Page Revision: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 16:34

Default Menu Location

Accessible from the Reports tab of the Project Master screen.

General Description

The Project Summary provides an active project summary or an active work order summary report.

Report Filters

Project#: The project number is automatically passed when the screen runs from the Project Screen or enter or select project number

Project Name: The project name is automatically passed when the screen runs from the Project Screen or enter or select

SrvOrd Primarily blank

Start Date Start date

End Date End date

Type of Report to Run

Project or Serivce Order

Active Project Summary - ACTPROJ

Standard Report Fields (Header - ACTPROJ)


  • gc_company

Standard Report Fields (Group Header company - ACTPROJ)

Customer company

Standard Report Fields (Group Header keyno - ACTPROJ)


  • fullname

Project ID

  • keyno

Project Name

  • name


  • shortnote

Standard Report Fields (Detail - ACTPROJ)


  • name

Phase Dates

  • pstartdate

  • penddate


  • phase


  • company

Phase Notes

  • descrip

Estimate - Total Cost

  • tcest

Estimate - Total Revenue

  • trest

Estimate - Labor Cost

  • lcest

Estimate - Labor Revenue

  • lrest

Estimate - Equipment Cost

  • ecest

Estimate - Equipment Revenue

  • erest

Estimate - Overhead Cost

  • ocest

Estimate - Overhead Revenue

  • orest

Budget - Total Cost

  • tcbud

Budget - Total Revenue

  • trbud

Budget - Labor Cost

  • lcbud

Budget - Labor Revenue

  • lrbud

Budget - Equipment Cost

  • ecbud

Budget - Equipment Revenue

  • erbud

Budget - Overhead Cost

  • ocbud

Budget - Overhead Revenue

  • orbud

Realized - Total Cost

  • tcrea

Realized - Total Revenue

  • trrea

Realized - Labor Cost

  • lcrea

Realized - Labor Revenue

  • lrrea

Realized - Equipment Cost

  • ecrea

Realized - Equipment Revenue

  • errea

Realized - Overhead Cost

  • ocrea

Realized - Overhead Revenue

  • orrea

Pending - Total Cost

  • tcpen

Pending - Total Revenue

  • trpen

Pending - Labor Cost

  • lcpen

Pending - Labor Revenue

  • lrpen

Pending - Equipment Cost

  • ecpen

Pending - Equipment Revenue

  • erpen

Pending - Overhead Cost

  • ocpen

Pending - Overhead Revenue

  • orpen

Committed - Total Cost

  • tccom

Committed - Total Revenue

  • trcom

Committed - Labor Cost

  • lccom

Committed - Labor Revenue

  • lrcom

Committed - Equipment Cost

  • eccom

Committed - Equipment Revenue

  • ercom

Committed - Overhead Cost

  • occom

Committed - Overhead Revenue

  • orcom

Total - Total Cost

  • tctot

Total - Total Revenue

  • trtot

Total - Labor Cost

  • lctot

Total - Labor Revenue

  • lrtot

Total - Equipment Cost

  • ectot

Total - Equipment Revenue

  • ertot

Total - Overhead Cost

  • octot

Total - Overhead Revenue

  • ortot

Over/Under - Total Cost

  • tcover

Over/Under - Total Revenue

  • trover

Over/Under - Labor Cost

  • lcover

Over/Under - Labor Revenue

  • lrover

Over/Under - Equipment Cost

  • ecover

Over/Under - Equipment Revenue

  • erover

Over/Under - Overhead Cost

  • ocover

Over/Under - Overhead Revenue

  • orover

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