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Page Revision: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 14:41

General Information

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Procurement >> Update Min/Max Records


Function Use this screen to update your items' min/max and reorder point quantities based on usage.

Fields & Filters

Use Days of History Number of past days of item history to factor in.

Set Order Qty to X Days of Inventory Update items that fit criteria to have this Order Qty

Set MinQty to X Days of Inventory

Set MaxQty to X Days of Inventory

The following filters represent item attributes that must exist on the item where the filter should apply. The option to Include represents AND, so if you check manual and long, the item has to have both to be included. The option to Exlcude represents OR, so if you check manual and long, both manual and long will be excluded.

Manual Setpoint Items must have on-hand items

AutoSet Items applies to import items

LongLead Items items with long lead times

Whse choose an individual warehouse to run the update by

Export Only select to export the results to an Excel file for review

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