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Page History: Inventory Journal Report

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Page Revision: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 12:03

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Item Control >> Inventory Journal Report

Click here for a screenshot

General Description

Inventory Journal Report screen allows user to generate a detail report journal from a specific time frame.


Start Date: Starting date for the report

End Date: Ending date for the report

Item: Item code

Held For: Inventory is being held for

Whse: Warehouse code

Rack#: Rack number

Owner: Inventory owner

CommCode: Commodity code

Serial/Lot: Serial or Lot number

Sort By: Report can either be sorted by Date or Commodity Code

Standard Report Fields(Page Header)


  • lc_company

Date Range

  • iif(empty(alltrim(lc_para)), '( All )' , '( ' + alltrim(lc_para) + ' )')

Group Header 1: Whsen


  • whsen

Group Header 2: Heldfor21


  • heldfor21

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