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Page History: Configurable Item (SOC) Import

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Page Revision: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 15:58

General Description

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Configurable Item (SOC) Import


Function The Configurable Item (SOC) Import screen allows you to add or update SOC details. Use the Configurable Item (SOC) Export screen to generate the template file for this screen.

The SOC Import will add records if they do not exist, but can also be used to update existing records. The SOC Import will also create the Configurable Item (SOC) attribute for the associated item, if it doesn't already exist.

Configurable Item (SOC) Import Screen

Configurable Item (SOC) Import Screen


Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed SOC import template file (in XLS format).

Import Template Fields

KeyNo - Keyno value of the exported SOC Question. This column should be cleared of all data prior to import, but the column position or header should not be changed.

Item - Item number in Adjutant

QuestNo - SOC question number

Question - SOC question text (maximum 50 characters)

QType - SOC question type code. Valid entries are LIST, TEXT, NUM, and CAL.

RCode - Report code for the associated question. Question 1 should always be report code A. The Length question is always report code B and generally the second question. Some other standard report codes are S=Roof Slope, Q=Square Feet, and W=Weight.

CalcVal - Enter 'Y' to indicate this is a calculated value, which sets the CALC checkbox. Enter 'N' otherwise.

CalcExp - Enter a custom formula using report codes, numerical values, and Excel-style formula codes. An example of the formula structure would be (B/2) + 100.

DecQty - Updates the Dec. Quantity for the associated question. Valid entries are 0 through 5.

InOnly - Enter 'Y' to check the Inches box for the associated question. Either the InOnly or the FtInOnly box should be checked for length questions, but not both.

FtInOnly - Enter 'Y' to check the Ft-Inch box for the associated question. Either the InOnly or the FtInOnly box should be checked for length questions, but not both.

MinLen - Enter the minimum length, if needed, for the length question. Enter 0 if there is no minimum length.

MaxLen - Enter the maximum length, if needed, for the length question. Enter 0 if there is no maximum length.

Inc - Enter the length increment value (in decimal form) to control the valid length entries. For example, to limit length entries by the 16th of an inch, enter 0.0625.

AItem - Additional item number that can be used for contract or special pricing options

Unit - UNit of measure associated with the Additional Item number

PAdjustable - Enter 'Y' to check the Price/Cost Adjust box in the Price and/or Other Adjustment Settings area

PriceAdj - Enter the dollar value for the price adjustment, or if no price adjustment, enter 0

QNum1 - Price/Cost Adjustment question number. Enter the SOC question number to fill in the 'or From Q#' value for the Price/Cost Adjust fields

ConQuest - Enter 'Y' to check the Controlling Qty box

ShowAdj - Enter 'Y' to check the Display Price Adjustment box

OtherAdj - Enter the dollar value for the Other Adjustment field, or if not other adjustment, enter 0.

QNum4 - Other Adjustment question number. Enter the SOC question number to fill in the 'To Q#' value.

QNum2 - Pass 1 question number. Enter the SOC question number to fill in the Pass 1 'Multiply Q#' value.

QNum3 - Pass 2 question number. Enter the SOC question number to fill in the Pass 2 'Adjustment by Q#' value.

CostAdj - Enter the dollar value for the cost adjustment, or if no cost adjustment, enter 0

Spacer1-Spacer10 - The spacer fields are placeholder entries for future expansion. They should not be used.

Ans1-Ans43 - List item descriptive name (max 100 characters) for LIST type questions. 43 list item entries are available for each question. List items display in the order according to the sequence identifier (1-43) on the import.

AnsPA1-AnsPA43 - Price adjustment dollar value for the associated list item.

AnsCA1-AnsCA43 - Cost adjustment dollar value for the associated list item.

AnsOPA1-AnsOPA43 - Other adjustment dollar value for the associated list item.

Item1-Item43 - Additional item number for special or contract pricing for the associated list item.

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