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Page History: Organization Attributes - Remit To

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Page Revision: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 15:24

Default Menu Location

Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization

Organization screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar.

General Description

Remit To is an attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen.

Remit To


Tax Rate: Tax rate for payments

Terms: Agreed terms of payment

  • Payment Terms are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Terms Codes from the drop-down menu

Misc Code: User-definable

Discount: The percentage discount agreed upon, if any

Salesperson: The vendor's salesperson

Territory: Territory or region of the organization

  • Territories are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Organization Territory Codes from the drop-down menu

Acct Vendno: Only applicable if you are using a 3rd party Accounts Payable program. If so, enter the Vendor's ID from that program in this field.

1099 Type: If the vendor is a 1099 vendor, then select which type here.

Check Memo: Enter a short note that should be printed on all checks to the vendor.

Payment Priority: Select the default Payment Priority for the vendor.

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