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Page Revision: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 09:08

Default Menu Location

Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information

Asset Information Screen

General Description

The Details tab contains more information regarding the asset. It also contains the asset's attributes.


PO Date: The date the asset's purchase order was received and the PO number. This field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order.

Inv Date/#/SO#: If the asset is sold, the invoice date, the invoice number, and the sales/work order number. This field will be populated by the system if the asset has been sold and invoiced.

Sell Amount: The amount the asset was sold for. This field will be populated by the system if the asset was sold on a sales order.

Disposal Type: Disposal type that was used to remove the asset from the company

In-Service Date: Date the asset was put into service

Business Use: Percentage the asset is used for business purposes

Life (Years): Depreciation lifespan of the asset

Click the Edit Attributes button to edit the attributes/properties of the asset.

Asset attributes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Asset Properties from the drop-down menu.

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