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Page History: PO Receipt Import (Central States)

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Page Revision: Fri, 07 Sep 2018 14:07

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General Description

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Purchase and Sales Orders >> Import PO Receipt



Function: Uses an order confirmation file from Central States vendor to process cost updates only (see checkbox on screen) or cost updates and quantity receipts (occurs when Update Cost Only not enabled)

This screen has only been tested with a specific file from Central States and has not been tested or used for any other purpose.

Key Import Fields

PO: The system finds the PO number following the hyphen below the PO column header (cell E2)

Item ID: Adjutant matches the data in the Item ID column to the Adjutant PO line item vendor part numbers

Order Qty: The system uses this column and the Pieces columns to identify the column length (if applicable) for matching and quantity for receiving

Pieces: This column is used for rows with a length to identify the quantity to receive

Part Mark: This column is used to match to the appropriate PO line, where applicable

Unit Price: This column is used for the cost update when updating cost only and when processing PO line receipts

Sample Import File

Sample Import File

Mapping File


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