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Page Revision: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 11:20

General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Cost Tier Import


Function: The Cost Tier Import program allows you to create cost tier tables for recently imported inventory quantities. Cost Tiers are used to accurately track cost for all system cost methods. Receiving both lot-controlled and non lot-controlled items on purchase order receipts will automatically create cost tier data for all system cost methods. It is critical to import cost tier data after all quantity imports because the imports will not create the needed cost tier data.

Cost Tier Import Screen

Cost Tier Import Screen

File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Cost Tier import template file (in XLS format).

Export Template: Generates a blank Cost Tier import template file

Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.

Default Owner: Sets the inventory owner for any cost tier lines with a blank owner value. This list is populated with Organization records that have the Inventory Owner attribute.

Default HedlFor: Sets the inventory holder for any cost tier lines with a blank heldfor value. This list is populated from the Item Held For Codes (HOLDER) Rule Maintenance record. If a catch-all code such as 'DEF' is used, make sure the HOLDER rule is set up properly.

Cost Tier Import File Definitions

Required fields are indicated with an *

*f1 - Item - Item Master item number

*f2 - Whse - Warehouse name

*f3 - Qty - Stocking unit quantity received at the associated cost tier

*f4 - Date - Received date for the associated quantity. This is also the date used to determine which cost tier is used for FIFO and LIFO methods.

*f5 - Cost - Cost per stocking unit for the associated cost tier

f6 - Owner - Inventory owner (Organization ID)

f7 - HeldFor - Inventory holder (Organization ID)

f8 - SerialLot - Serial or Lot# value for the associated cost tier item

f9 - OCost - Other cost associated with the cost tier (rare)

f10 - OOwner - Other owner associated with the cost tier (rare)

Additional Notes

The combination of date, quantity, and cost on the cost tier import represents an inventory receipt that establishes the system cost for that receipt transaction. For customers using an average cost method, the quantity import (and the corresponding cost tier import) will already reflect an average cost, or a specific instance cost for lot-controlled items. For customers using FIFO or LIFO methods, the cost tier import should ideally be separated into a distinct cost tier for each combination of item and receipt date, representing the cost for each receipt, AND the qty remaining in that cost tier. This level of detail is difficult to recreate for most systems, and may not be possible. For FIFO and LIFO customers that can't provide the data needed to recreate each tier accurately, inform the customer that all imported quantities will be costed according to the imported cost tier cost until the cost tier quantity is depleted.

Date: The cost tier date represents the date that the material was received, and is critically important for determining the correct cost tier to use for LIFO and FIFO methods. The FIFO and LIFO methods rely on the received date and quantity received to track inventory usage cost according to FIFO and LIFO rules. Review the Inventory Costing Methods Wiki page for more details on how cost tiers affect inventory value.

Qty: The cost tier quantity represents the quantity that was received on the date specified. FIFO and LIFO cost accounting will deplete the quantity in the cost tier at the related cost based on the transaction date and how it relates to the cost tier received date. Review the Inventory Costing Methods Wiki page for more details on how cost tiers affect inventory value.

Cost: The cost should be expressed per the stocking units for this import file. As stated above, each combination of date, quantity, and cost represents the cost of inventory items for that receipt. Review the Inventory Costing Methods Wiki page for more details on how cost tiers affect inventory value.

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