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Page History: HOW TO - Send out text message updates for a Sales Order

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Page Revision: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 11:46

How to send out text message updates for a sales order


Adding a contact attribute (SMSUPDATE) will allow them to receive text messages at the following stages of a Sales Order's life cycle:
  • Items are sent to production (S2P button on the sales order)
  • Items are produced (PWO is complete)
  • Shipping Event has a status of "Shipped"
  • Shipping Event is marked as "Delivered"


1) Fill out the text message address for contacts

The first step is to fill out the contact's 'Email 2' with their phone number in the format of an email address. Please note all carriers have different formats for sending text messages through email, so you'll need to determine the customer's cell phone provider as well. As of January 2017, here is the format for four major carriers:

AT&T: (

Verizon: (

Sprint: (

T-Mobile: (

2) Assign the contact attribute

Next, attach the contact attribute SMSUPDATE to any contact wanting to receive text updates. If this contact attribute doesn't exist on your system, please contact us for help.

3) Create the text message templates

Since these text messages are being sent via email, you need to create the following entries in the Email Templates screen in Adjutant:


Template Name
  • SMS S2P - sent when the items are sent to production;
  • SMS PWOCOMP - sent when the PWO is completed;
  • SMS SESHIP - sent when the Shipping Event is shipped;
  • SMS SEDEL - sent when the Shipping Event is delivered;

    If you need help setting any of this up, please contact us at

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