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Page History: Bid Purchase Order (BIDPO) API

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Page Revision: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 09:13

General Information

Function The SAVENEWBIDPO (BIDPO) API allows a web-based interface to create Vendor Inquiries, also referred to as Bid Purchase Orders, in the Adjutant software. The API utilizes JSON objects to create records directly in the Adjutant database. The created Bid Purchase Orders created through the API are fully editable in Adjutant and can be reviewed, edited, and converted to 'live' Purchase Orders. There are validations built into the API to prevent invalid vendors, warehouses, terms of payment, item codes, and units from being imported.

Adjutant Setup Required

APIKEY Rule: The API Keys rule holds the custom string used as an Application Program Interface (API) validation key for custom interfaces. The API Key rule is set up and maintained by ABIS personnel when establishing a new API at a customer site. The API Key is typically set once during implementation and generally does not need to be changed.

Refer to the API Keys Rule Maintenance Wiki for details on setting up this rule.

Item Codes: The API uses the Supplier Part# from the Item Master C/V Part tab to match against the item code in Adjutant. Verify that all items in Adjutant that will be used through the API have the correct venndor and Supplier Part# data entered in the C/V Part tab.

Adjutant Data for API Developer

Below are some of the data elements from Adjutant that the API developer will need in order to set up the JSON code. These data elements exist in the APICHECK process, or in the header record and will need to be provided by Adjutant personnel.

CID: The destination CID name for the BIDPO interface.

Bid PO Type: The code value(s) (text2) from the POBTYPE rule that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The Bid PO Type must be a valid code from the rule, or it will fail validation.

Vendor Code: The vendor organization ID(s) that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The vendor(s) must exist in Adjutant, the API will not create vendor records.

Warehouse Code: The warehouse name(s) that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The API assumes the default Owner and Warehouse for the CID environment. An invalid Warehouse, or an invalid OHF combination will fail validation.

Terms: The terms of payment name(s) (text1) from the TERMS rule that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The Terms used must be a valid term name from the rule, or it will fail validation.

SAVENEWBIDPO data fields

Below are the key data fields used in the API to create Bid Purchase Orders in Adjutant. This is not a complete list. The complete list is documented in and API reference document that can be shared with the API developer.

Header Inputs for SAVENEWBIDPO

HEADER.VENDORCODE / Character / 10 / Vendor Org# from Adjutant (must exist in Adjutant)

HEADER.WHSECODE / Character / 10 / Warehouse name from Adjutant (must exist in Adjutant)

HEADER.TERMS / Character / 30 / Terms of payment name matched against the term name from Adjutant

HEADER.NOTES / Character / 500 / Optional notes saved to the Bid PO note in Adjutant

HEADER.POTYPE / Character / 1 / Bid PO Type code matched against the Adjutant code

HEADER.ORDERNO / Character / 20 / Optional Order# string

HEADER.ESTDATE / Character / 10 / Estimated Delivery Date in MM/DD/YYYY format

Line item Inputs for SAVENEWBIDPO

LINEITEM#.VPART / Character / 30 / Line Item (where # represents the line number) vendor part number

LINEITEM#.QTY / Decimal / 10 / Line Item (where # represents the line number) decimal format purchase quantity

LINEITEM#.UNIT / Character / 10 / Line Item (where # represents the line number) purchase unit matched against the item’s unit group set in Adjutant

LINEITEM#.COST / Decimal / 20 / Line Item (where # represents the line number) purchase cost in ‘COSTUNIT’ units

LINEITEM#.COSTUNIT / Character / 10 / Line Item (where # represents the line number) purchase cost units matched against the item’s unit group set in Adjutant

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