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Page History: Customer Bookings Report

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Page Revision: Tue, 19 May 2009 11:06

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Order Entry >> Customer Bookings Report

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General Description

Customer Bookings Report displays Sales Orders by type, by company, and their spending per year.


Date Range: Specific time frame for the report

Custno: Customer number or customer code

Order Type: Order type for the report

Sales Person: Sales person for the report

Whse: Warehouse location

Report Style: Can either be a Summary or Detail report

Standard Report Fields(Page Header)


  • lc_company

Date Range

  • ' As of ' + dtoc(date())
  • '( ' + lc_para + ' )'

Group Header 1:Sales Order Type

Sales Order Type

  • sotype1

Standard Report Fields(Line Items)


  • alltrim(company) + ' ( ' + alltrim(custno) + ' )'


  • extstot

% of Type

  • per1

% of Type

  • per2

YTD Sales

  • ytdsales

Group Footer 1: Sales Order Type


  • exttot

YTD Sales

  • ytdsales

Standard Report Fields(Summary)

Report Total

  • exttot
  • ytdsales

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