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   General Information
   Report Logic
      Shipped in Current Month
      SE Marked as Shipped
      Week Of
      Month Of

General Information

Default Menu Location: Reports >> Shipping >> Shipment Forecast


Function: Creates a dollar and weight forecast report based on Shipping Event Load Date.

Shipment Forecast Report

Shipment Forecast Report

Report Logic

The Shipment Forecast Report is broken into four sections:

Shipped in Current Month

Invoices, project numbers, and invoiced amounts for the current month. The current month is calculated based on the today's date and the calendar year.

SE Marked as Shipped

Shipping Events that have been marked complete, but not yet invoiced. It displays the Shipping Event number, Project Number, Sales Order number, and the Estimated SE Value for each one.

Week Of

Shipping Events within the date range that are incomplete. It displays the SE Estimated Value, linked Project, linked Sales Orders, and the linked sales orders' open dollar amount.

Month Of

Same logic as the Week Of section, but grouped by month. The full month will be shown in this section regardless of the date range. For example, if you choose 05/15/12 - 06/15/12 as your date range, the report will show all of May and all of June in this section.


Load Dates: Shipping Event Load Date

Whse: Shipping Event Warehouse.

Sales Order Types: Select which SO Types should be included in the report.

Salesperson: Sales Order Salesperson.

Acct Manager: Sales Order Account Manager.

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