Barcode Scanner - Prompt 45 - Production Work Order

Modified on Thu, 11 Aug 2022 08:51 by Kamar — Categorized as: Production, Wireless Warehouse Management

General Info

Prompt 45, Production WO, provides three functions:

1. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item

2. Certify a Production Line Item

3. Assemble a Production Line Item

4. Assemble All Lines

Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item

1.Scan a barcode or enter the PL number from the PWO.

2. Scan the barcode or enter the PackID of the item that is being used.

3. Once a successful scan of an item is completed, the terminal will display the quantity required of that item. Enter the quantity (always in Stock Unit) you are using and press Enter. The terminal will accept your entry and ask you to scan the next barcode.

Certify a Production Line Item

The Certify function allows you to certify that all items in the Bill of Materials for a Production Line Item have been assigned.

1. To certify a line, scan the barcode or the PL number of the line item.

2. Enter an asterisk * and press enter.

3. The terminal will tell you the certification status. If the certification fails, the screen will say cert failed and will list the items that have not been assigned.

Assemble a Production Line Item

Items can be assembled a few different ways.

1. "+" Method. If the line has not been assigned any materials through the process above, the items will assemble without any assignments.
2. "," Method (a "-" will work the same way). This method will only work if the item being produced has the "PWOAUTOASSIGN" attribute. It will only produce one item at a time.
3. "#" Method (a "%" will work the same way). This method will only work if the item being produced has the "PWOAUTOASSIGN" attribute. A "#" will allow you to produce an entire line at once while auto assigning all applicable and available inventory.

Assemble All Lines

1. Scan a WC barcode to complete all lines on the PWO.


Other Commands

Enter a forward slash / and press Enter to go back one step at any time.

Enter two forward slahses "//" and press Enter to go back to the menu.

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