Purchase Order - Header

Modified on Tue, 06 Jul 2021 08:10 by Kamar — Categorized as: Purchase Orders

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General Information

Default Menu Location The Purchase Order Icon Imageis located on the Tool Bar

Screen Name POR3

Function The Purchase Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void purchase orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a purchase order.

Related Tabs

For more information about individual Tabs in the Purchase Order Screen please see the following: Purchase Orders - Line Items / Purchase Orders - AP Info / Purchase Orders - Receipt History


Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order.

Copy: Select a previously entered purchase order and click this icon to copy it to a new purchase order.

Recurring PO: Click the Recurring Purchase Order icon to setup a recurring sales order. The Template box must be checked in order to use this icon. Use the Generate Recurring Orders screen to generate and ship them.

PO Receipt: Click this icon to enter the PO Receipt screen to receive the contents on this PO. Select the PORECFAST setup option to open the Quick PO Receipts screen.

Modification Processing Transfer: Click this icon to open up the Transfers and Adjustments screen.

Mod: This button allows you to view details on a selecting processing charge. Click HERE to view more details about processing charge purchase orders.

Notes: While in add or edit mode, click this icon to add notes to the header or a specific line item. Notes entered on the header will appear in the notes section of the printed purchase order. Notes entered on a line item will appear directly beneath the line item on the printed purchase order.

Warning Note: Warning note If this icon is red, there is a comment or warning that should be read for the vendor you have selected. Click this icon to view the comment.

Vendor: The company you are purchasing items from. Organizations with a Sold From attribute are available for selection.

Remit To: The company being paid for the purchased items. Organizations with a Remit To attribute are available for selection.

Ship To: The warehouse receiving the purchased items. Warehouses are maintained in the Warehouses screen.

Deliver To: For drop-ship purposes, you may enter any organization here that has a Ship To attribute. This address will print on the purchase order.
This field uses the Full Name of an Organization; not the Org ID

PO Date: The date the purchase order is issued.

Req Date: The date the items are required for receipt.

Tax%: The applicable tax percentage to be applied to the purchased items.

Buyer: The person buying the items. Only people with the Buyer attribute may be selected from this drop-down menu.

Dept: The department the items are being purchased for. Departments may be added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Department from the drop-down menu.

Remarks: User-definable.

Ship Via: The method of shipping. Ship Via Codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu.

Freight: The method of freight payment. Freight codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu.

Order #: User-definable.

Confirm To: User-definable.

Terms: Terms of Payment. Terms codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Terms Codes from the drop-down menu.

FOB: Free on Board terms. Click here for a definition. FOB terms may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting FOB Codes from the drop-down menu.

Held For: The company the items will be held for.

Owner: The owner of the items.

MRID: The material receipt ID.

Type: The type of order.

Currency: The type of currency that will be used to pay for the items.

Comments: User defined.

Def Whse: Default Warehouse. Can be changed by going to the User in Adjutant attribute in the contact screen.

Acknowledged: Used when a vendor receives and order so user can tell the system (and other employees) what point in the process the PO is in.

Port: Used for shipments from overseas. Allows specification of ship port that the material will come in to.

Rec Amt: Received amount. Used when vendors aren't able to send the full amount of material requested. This is what is looked at when comparing/creating an invoice.

Security Tokens

Special 1 - DELETE LINE: Allows the user to delete lines.

Special 2 - OPEN/CLOSER PO: Allows the user to manually open and close the PO.

Special 4 - DISABLE REMOVE: Disables the Remove Link button.

Miscellaneous Info

TIP: If an item is set up as Resell=ā€™nā€™, it automatically selects the Taxable flag when you add it to a PO. This adds the tax into the receipted value if the vendor is set up with a tax rate in the Remit To screen.