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Page Revision: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 15:33

General Information

Default Menu Location The Users screen is a jump screen from the Contacts screen

Contacts Icon >> Select/ Create Adjutant User >> Select User in Adjutant Attribute

Screen Name USERS

Function The Users screen contains all of the Security and Rights options for each user in Adjutant. The security tokens, log-in information, and email alerts can all be viewed and edited from these tabs.

Main Users in Adjutant Screen

Main Users in Adjutant Screen


The Details tab contains general information about the User.

Location and Adjutant Settings

User ID: The username used to log in to Adjutant

Password: The password used to log in to Adjutant

Name: The actual name of the User

Phone Extension: The phone extension of the User

Terminal Printer: The default printer for the User

Laser: The default Laser Printer for the User

Default CID: The default Company ID for the User

Default Menu: The default menu bar for the User

Default WHSE: The default warehouse for the User

Default Language: The language used in Adjutant for the User

Default Screen: The first screen the User will see when logging in to Adjutant

Email and Contact Information

Pease see How- To Set Up Email in Adjutant for more detailed instruction

SMTP Server: The SMTP Server IP address that is used by the User

SMTP UserID: The user's ID on the SMTP server

SMTP Password: The user's password on the SMTP server

ESMTP: Check this box if the user is on an Extended SMTP setup

FaxPress Name: Fax Server system name

Fax User ID: Fax User ID

Fax Password: Fax Password

RSS Feed: Enter a valid RSS Feed to display feeds on the user desktop

Active User: Check this box if the user is currently active and uses the system

Locked Out: Check this box to lock a user out of the system
  • Uncheck this box to let them log in again. This box may be checked if the user fails to log in correctly a number of times.


The User Security tab contains a list of all security rights the user possesses.

Security Rights are assigned by CID (Company ID). Most users will have access rights to only one company, but each user can have rights to more than one company.

To copy the same security rights from one user to another:

1. Click Edit

2. Enter the user's name in the User to Copy box

3. Press Enter on your keyboard

4. Click Copy

The screen consists of a grid containing all of the security tokens, and different ways to set security for each:

Token: This is the system name of the security token

Description: This is a brief description/name of the security token

View/Add/Edit/Del/Deny: These checkboxes determine what security permissions the particular user will have for the associated/selected token or screen.

Special: The columns listed AFTER the 5 general security permission types represent special or custom security permissions. EXAMPLE: For the Item Transfer screen, there is a special security permission which allows the user to change the cost of an item.

Security Tokens not included with Admin Rights

These tokens are separated from the grouping of Administrative rights and would be added manually if applicable.



The Alerts tab on the Users screen is used to notify system users of certain events.

  • You may edit the alerts directly inside of the grid by clicking Edit

If you wish to have a Microsoft Agent notify you of your alerts, check the Use Agent box and select your agent from the Agent Name drop-down menu.

The Interval is how often the system will notify you in minutes. The format of this is *w *d *h *m (representing weeks, days, hours and minutes - where * can be any number). Examples: 4w, 5d, 30h, 60m

Expiring Contracts Display: Check this box if you wish to display a list of all contracts expiring in the next 30 days of which you are the contract manager.

Expiring Contracts: Check this box if you wish to be notified of all contracts expiring in the next 30 days of which you are the contract manager.

High Priority Task Alert: Check this box if you wish to be notified when there is an incomplete Emergency Service Order. This alert applies to all tasks and all assignments. An Emergency task is defined as a task that has been created with an Emergency Task Priority.

OverDue Task List: Check this box if you wish to be emailed a list of overdue tasks that are assigned to you
  • A task is overdue when its due date is before today's date.

OverDue Task List (Display): Check this box if you wish to display a pop-up list of all overdue tasks in the system

OverDue Task List (Res): Check this box if you want to be notified of all overdue tasks assigned to you

OverDue Task List (Res) (Dis): Check this box if you wish to display a pop-up list of all overdue tasks assigned to you

Pending Notes: Check this box if you wish to be notified when you have a follow-up note due

Pending Task Alert: Check this box if you wish to be notified when you have an upcoming task in the near future
  • You will start being notified 30 minutes in advance of the task's start time.

Time Critical Task List: Check this box if you wish to be emailed a list of incomplete, time critical tasks assigned to you
  • A Time Critical task is defined as a task that has been created with a Time Critical Task Priority.

Time Critical Task List (Display): Check this box if you wish to display a pop-up list of incomplete, time critical tasks assigned to you

Time Critical Task Overdue: Check this box if you wish to be notified when there are incomplete, time critical tasks. This alert applies to all tasks and all assignments.

Unresolved Phone Call Alert: Check this box if you wish to be notified when you have a phone call to write notes about. This is only used with the Adjutant Telephony module.

Weekly Time Sheet Alert: Check this box if you wish to be notified when your weekly time sheet does not have at least 40 hours in the last seven days.

Yesterday Time Sheet Alert: Check this box if you wish to be notified when your weekly time sheet does not have at least 8 hours yesterday.

Desktop Shortcuts

The Desktop Shortcuts tab is used to create shortcut icons on your Adjutant desktop.

A list of predefined icons and their names are found here.

Custom Toolbar

The Custom Toolbar tab is used to set up a custom Adjutant toolbar for the user.

It works in the same way as the Desktop Shortcuts, with the addition of an Order By field to allow the user to determine which order the icons should appear in the toolbar.

Approval Info

The Approval Info tab shows the names of person(s) who will cover your assignments when you are not available.

Standin #1: The first option on the list

Standin #2: The second option on the list

Password Settings

Uniform Password Settings for all NEW users may be set up in the CID Maintenance Screen under the Defaults tab.

The Password Settings tab shows the requirements for setting up user passwords.

Require Letters: Check this box to require letters in the user's password

Require Numbers: Check this box to require numbers in the user's password

Require Other: Check this box to require characters other than numbers and letters in the user's password

Max Length: Set the maximum number of allowable characters for the password

Min Length: Set the minimum number of allowable characters for the password

Expire In: Set the number of days the password will expire in

Never Expire: Check this box to never expire the password

Reuse In: You may reuse the same password (after expiration) in this number of days

Lockout After: Set the number of attempts the user has to enter the correct password before the system locks them out

Lockout For: Set the number of minutes to lock the user out after incorrectly entering his/her password incorrectly


Q: What do I do if I forget my password?

A: System Admin has access to view/change password.

Q: Do I have to include numbers or characters in my password?

A: This will be set up on under the "Req Numbers/Letters" fields on the Password Settings Screen.

Q: How do I reset my password?

A: System Admin has access to view/change password.

Q: How many incorrect password attempts do I have before I am locked out of the system?

A: This will be set up on under the "Lockout After" field on the Password Settings Screen.

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