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Page Revision: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:27

Transaction ==> Purchase Order ==> PO Receipt

The PO Receipt Screen is used to receive the items listed on open purchase orders.

Enter the purchase order number in the PO Number field.

Enter the quantities received for each line item and any required serial numbers.

Enter the warehouse receiving the items in the Whse field.

Do not save the PO Receipt until you have entered the quantity received for each line item.

PO Receipts will update the average cost of stock items based on the cost and quantity of the item received.

PO Receipt

Packing List #: The packing list number.

Qty Rec: The quantity of items received.

Serial #: Serialized items will require a serial number upon receipt. Entering a serial number for one of the items will direct you to the Serial/Lot/Exp Date tab.

Country of Origin: The country the items originated from.

Whse: The warehouse receiving the items.

AP Invoice #: You may enter an AP invoice number if applicable.

Inv Amt: You may enter the amount of the invoice here.

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