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Page Revision: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 23:12

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Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> Apply Cash Receipts

General Information

The Apply Cash Receipts screen is used to enter cash receipts and apply them against open AR invoices.

To enter a new cash receipt, click New and select the cash account that is to be debited.

Fill out the remaining fields on this tab according to the descriptions below.

To apply cash to an invoice, select the invoice(s) that is/are being paid and click Add button.

The system will automatically allocate the amount of the payment across the invoice(s) selected. You can change the allocated amount by editing the PaidAmt column in the bottom grid.

To enter an open credit, enter the amount of the credit and click Save. Any unapplied amounts can be issued as an Open Credit.

When you are finished allocating the payment across the selected invoices, click Save button to complete the cash receipt.

Apply Cash


Cash Acct: Select the appropriate Cash account from the drop down box.

Adj Acct: Select the Receivable account for this cas receipt.

Cust#: Select the customer making payment from the drop down box. (Typing the first letter will filter the list)

Ref #: Enter a reference number for the cash receipt; this may be the check number.

Amount: Enter the amount of the payment.

Bank Dep #: Enter a reference number for the bank deposit (optional); this may be the check number, date or a sequential number of your choice.

Paid Date: Enter the date the amount was paid. (Transaction Date)

Custno/Company: Enter/select the customer that the payment is from.

Deposit: Check this box if the cash receipt is a deposit

Tag CR/DEP with Project/Phase: Select Project/Phase from dropdown box.

Note: Enter a note for any comments related to the payment.

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