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Setup Options & Definitions

APRETNOTAX - Make retainage use pretax numbers to figure retainage can only be used when POSPLITTAX is enabled also.

NEWTAX - Sales Tax by order.

POIGNORETAX - Ignores sales tax amount on purchase order receipts in regards to GL posting.

POSPLITTAX - Split tax out on itemact record if POSPLITTAX is enabled.

POUSETAXFLAG - If set, default taxable status matches ItemMaster Sales Tax Flag (resell flag is ignored).

RFQSHOWTAX - Will default the tax boxed to checked on print RFQ screen.

SHIPTOREQTAXTABLE - Requires a tax table to be filled out before allowing a save of the shipto and addshipto screen.

SOCHECKTAXRATE - Option to SO to check for tax rate not matching current tax rate. Display message box if different.

SOREQTAXTABLE - Ship To address on Sales Order must have a valid tax table.

TAXFREIGHTSTATE - Change SO screen to look at state rule to set taxable flag on FRT type items (log4)

TAXOVERLAYALL - Change logic to allow other states to use overlays. Put tax cap percent in state rule. If whse has overlay, and shipto in same state, overlay will be used.



TAXRETAINAGE - If set then base retainage on the total amount (including tax), instead of the net amount.

TAXSPEC1 - Option to zero out some UseTax Rates. CO-City and County Rates. NM-All but State

TAXTABLES - Sales Tax Tables are used and tax rate field on Ship To screen is disabled, tax table must be used in order to obtain a tax rate.


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