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Page Revision: Mon, 09 Oct 2017 08:47

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance

Function The Invoice Forms rule controls the valid Invoice Form types available for AR Invoice Master and Time Billing. Invoice Form codes can be set up to override the default invoice form used and/or the default sort method used on the invoice.

Invoice Forms Rule

Invoice Forms Rule

Rule Setup – Text Fields

Name: Invoice Form name displayed in the AR Invoice Master drop-down, or in the Bill To screen default form drop-down.

Code: The single character code used for the associated form. Code 'S' is reserved as the system default for the standard invoice form.

Form: The base form file name, including the .FRX extension. Standard base form is 'INVFORM.FRX'.

Sort Override: This field can be used to override the default sort method for the specified invoice form. The Sort Override field uses standard foxpro expression language.

Rule Setup – Number Fields

No Number Fields In Use

Rule Setup – Logic Fields

Def Normal Invoice: Flag this field to establish the specified invoice form as the default AR invoice form type.

Def Billing Invoice: Flag this field to establish the specified invoice form as the default invoice form used during Time Billing.

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