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Page Revision: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 11:44

Setup Options & Definitions

ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed.

CHKTSKPOLINK - If set, check open linked po and if record found, hide the complete button and display the Open Linked PO message.

COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding.

MSNAUTOTASK - Automatically creates a Default phase and task when a new project is created.


MSNDROPNAME - Makes the drop folders have the XXXXXX-YYYYYY where xxxxx is the ProidID or Proj Numbe based on NEWMSNNUM setting, and YYYYY is the project name.

MSNHOLDOHF - If set, hange OHF counter update logic to ignore SO and WO on hold. Change SO screen to check hold status of linked project and update projhold as needed.

MSNLOADPHASEEXPAND - If set, expand all branches in phase tree.

MSNLOCKPHASESTART - If set, enable a new Project S11 security token to control access to edit the Start Date on a phase.

MSNMULTITASK - If set then show list of phases on task tab of project and allow selecting multiple ones.

MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new Ship Date and PWO Due Date fields on the phases tab of project control.

MSNNOCHILD - If set, then don't ask if a phase is a child of selected phase when a new phase is being created.


MSNNOENDDATE - If set, ending shipping date on Master tab is set to blank. This date is used to create the ending date on the default phase when saved (onsite date).

MSNNUM - Project Number

MSNPHASEMAT - Summary report is grouped by Phase+CommCode+Item and custom report can be adjusted to show correct grouping. If not set then phase is not used in grouping.

MSNPICKPHASE - If set, when creating an SO from a Project, the user will be prompted to pick a phase for the SO.

MSNREQCUST - Requires a customer to be entered before saving a new Project.

MSNTASKTASKSORT - If set, the default sort on the task grid of the project task tab is by task.

MSNTRANSDAYS - If set, show new transday field on Project Control. Trans days are calculated using drive time from project whse to main shipto using 10 hour drive days.

MSNUPLINKEDSO1 - If set, update linked SO load date with load date from associated project phase.

MSNUSERWHSE - If set, use users default whse as shipping whse for generated SO. CalcPlant Logic will set production plant based on Whse PP rules.

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