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Page Revision: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:45


General Description

Default Menu Location Maintain >> WMS >> Picklist Control

Screen Name PICKCON

Picking Control

Picking Control

Function The Picking Control Screen allows users to view status and specifications of all picks in the warehouse. It also includes some basic picking functions.

Pick List Tab

Pick List Screen

Pick List Screen

The Pick Lists tab displays all pick lists in the warehouse selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window.


PickList#: Pick list number

TermID: RF terminal to which the picklist is assigned

UserID: The user of the assigned RF terminal

% Pulled: The percentage of the picklist's contents that has already been pulled from the warehouse

Held: Whether the picklist is held

SE: Shipping Event Number associated with the picklist

MR: Material Receipt associated with the picklist (If the picklist is for inventory rather than freight, no MR is used and therefore the MR column shows "0").

Notes: Any applicable notes

Active: This box is an option to view all active picks in the selected warehouse

Complete: This box is an option to view all complete picks in the selected warehouse

Hold: To hold a picklist and temporarily prevent is from being picked and shipped, check the Select box next to the appropriate picklist and click the Hold button.

Un-Hold: To clear a held picklist for picking and shipping, check the Select box next to the appropriate picklist and click the Un-Hold button.

Queued Cartons Tab

Queued Cartons Screen

Queued Cartons Screen

The Queued Cartons tab displays all cartons queued for picking in the warehouse selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window.


Release: Whether the carton is released for shipping

MRID: Number of Material Receipt to which the carton belongs (if no MR was used, the field displays "0")

CartID: Carton ID Number

Company: Company which the cartons belong

Pulled: Whether the carton has been pulled from the warehouse for shipment

Location: Location of the carton in the warehouse

Queued Picks Tab

Queued Picks Screen

Queued Picks Screen

The Queued Picks tab displays all parts and cartons queued for picking in the warehouse selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window.


Pick List#: Picklist is a list which the parts or cartons belong

Order#: Order number to which the part or carton belongs (If the order is a Sales Order, the order number begins with "SO-")

Part#: Part number of the parts or cartons

Qty to Pick: Quantity of parts or cartons to pick from the warehouse

Transfer To: To transfer parts or cartons to another RF terminal or queue, check the Selected box next to the appropriate parts or cartons, choose the appropriate terminal or queue from the drop-down menu, and click the Transfer button.

Active Picks Tab

Active Picks Screen

Active Picks Screen

The Active Picks tab displays all parts and cartons currently loaded for picking in the warehouse selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window.


User ID (name) of the user currently logged on to the scanner handling the picklist

Order number to which the part or carton belongs (If the order is a Sales Order, the order number begins with "SO-.")

Part number of the part or carton

Quantity of parts or cartons to pick from the warehouse

Terminal ID Number of the scanner handling the picklist

RF frequency used by the wireless scanner handling the picklist

Transfer To: To transfer parts or cartons to another RF terminal or queue, check the Selected box next to the appropriate parts or cartons, choose the appropriate terminal or queue from the drop-down menu, and click the Transfer button.

Terminal Summery Tab

Terminal Summary Screen

Terminal Summary Screen

the Terminal Summary tab displays current status of each RF scanning terminal in the selected warehouse.


User ID: Users currently logged on to the scanner

Terminal ID Number: Scanner handling picking list

RF frequency: Wireless scanner handling the picking list

Active Picks: The number of Active Picks currently loaded into the scanner

Term Name: The name of wireless scanner terminal in Adjutant

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